• Your method for teaching, coaching or motivating others:

Backed by evidence, I focus on educating clients in ways that can support their goals and exercise adherence. I meet them where they are each day and never push them harder than necessary to help them feel successful. I use inclusive language that supports a positive self-image and the unique identity of the client.

  • Your personality and how you use it to connect with others:

I am playful and focused. I am direct and kind. I enjoy laughing with my clients while also providing them with a comprehensive exercise experience.

  • The experience you want your clients and participants to have:

I want my clients to know that it’s about them and their needs. I want them to feel seen, heard and respected. I will be understanding when they are having a hard day and equally support them on good days.

  • Your specific knowledge and use of exercise, nutrition, behavior change, etc.:

I believe in evidence-based exercise and nutrition programs that have a strong standing in the industry. I utilize behavior-change approaches with all clients to ensure self-efficacy and long-term success. I value my education and continued learning. It’s important that I have knowledge and experience with new equipment or techniques before engaging in them with a client.